mhowe9's 245G Butterfly reef and breeding room


New member
In early May this year, my wife and I made the unexpected decision to move. This was just after I completed a project that include a new breeding room and dual in-wall tanks (245G and 180G). The tanks had been up for about six months when we decided to move. The move allowed both of us to cut a significant amount of drive time off of our commutes each day. We ended up moving to the new house in the first week of July. In the process of getting ready to move and actually moving I ended losing quite a bit of livestock.
Once we got settled into the new house, I turned my plans to getting both a display tank and breeding system up and running. Here was the plan that I came up with.


I ended up start building in October. I didn't get take many build pictures since I was too busy building. I had the both the breeding system and display tank up and running by the beginning of January. Here is how they looked in January when they were completed

Display tank (My daughter wanted the wall purple)


Sump for the display with a ASM G6 skimmer, carbon reactor, and live rock


Breeding setup. When it is all complete it will hold 23 tanks.
including the sump with a ATI skimmer, Reeflo Dart Return Pump, carbon reactor, and live rock.



Quarantine Sytems (2 22G tanks and a 29G cube)


Here is the latest video from the beginning of February. I am still battling some algae issues
Shortly after the video was taken, the fish developed ick. I moved all of the fish back into the quarantine system and started treating with copper. I am going to leave the tank fallow for about 8 weeks to ensure there is no ick left in the tank. In the mean time, I came up with a plan to combat the algae issue that you see in the video of the display. I decided to move the 180G sump off of the breeding set up and relocate it,the ATI skimmer, and Reeflo Dart pump to the 245G display. I am still working on completing this part of the project and will post some updates once it is completed

It has been almost 2 week now in QT and the ick is completely gone from the fish. I did lose the multibar angel though, which was disappointing. All of the butterflies are doing fine. Just need to wait another 6 weeks and have things up and running again.

For the breeding set up I was able to find a MARS unit for sale locally and am using the sump from that system for the breeding setup. I was able to eliminate the back section of the original breeding setup, which freed up a ton of space in the back of the fish room. I ordered an Super Reef Octopus 5000 to replace the ATI that was running on that system orignally, which should be delivered any day now. Here is pic of the breeding system now with the MARS unit installed.

I'm a bit concerned about what appear to be untreated cement block walls in your fish room. Won't you have problems with humidity down the road?

In terms humidity, I do run a dehumidified 24-7 and also have covers on most of the tanks except the display. So far the humidity hasn't been too bad. We will see what happens in the summer. I also have a vent fan from where the dryer used to be that I can install a fan if need be also.
Untreated concrete is a veritable sponge for moisture. You could easily end up with mold and mildew issues. You might want to look at some form of sealant. It's a bit late for the enamel-based sealants as you have already started your tanks, but I'm sure there must be a water-based acrylic product that would do the same thing.

I will look into getting some Drylock then and go about it that way. I have some space behind the breeding setup that I could get to and apply it.
Found a little time to get take some pictures in the broodstock setup and document my pairs that are living there

Snowflake pair

Ocellaris pair (one of these guys had Top Dressed Otohime the other didn't)

Darwin Pair

Blackline Fang blenny (This was the only one of the trio that wanted to be photographed)


Austrailan Long Nose Butterfly Pair (Destined the display tank but getting acclimated in a 40 Breeder for now). I really didn't like how this pic turned out. They really don't live in brown water.


And for kicks an old pic of my Fire Clown pair that has been with me for a couple of years now. (The only pair that survived the move)

Since these guys weren't photogenic tonight here is video of my Spotcinctus pair

Also in the breeding setup are a Tomato Clown Pair and a Blue Velvet Damsel Trio

I have completed the sump move and have everything plumbed back together and running. I am really liking how the ATI skimmer is performing on the reef system. As part of getting the sump for the display back together, I re-aquascaped the display. I will post some pics tomorrow once the all sand settles back down.
Here are the pics of the rest of the fishroom with the MARS system completed (sans the skimmer that I am waiting for) and the re-aquascaped display tank.

Re-scaped display tank


180 Gallon sump ( Divided into cryptic zone --> Refugium with DSB --> Skimmer and Return


Full fish room shot looking from the back of the tank
