Michael's 150gal build thread
So today was the day. Empty both Brutes into the waiting 150 in the garage. Then put them by the 75 with a PH and a long hose. Shut down everything I could in Fusion. Start pumping. Corals were SERIOUSLY not happy with being dry for 10-20 minutes, but it was the only way the tank would be light enough to slide over on the tile. As soon as I got it shifted, I put the water right back. Added a filter sock for now too.
Then the new stand went where the 75 used to be. Since the 75 has to stay running for the next few weeks, I used an Aquabus cable to blend both stands to a single Apex. I have an extra EB4, so I'm all good.
I positioned the Bashsea sump (really a work of art), the chiller and some of the lines. I don't want to get ahead of myself, so until the tank plumbing is done, I'm not cutting anything. I have a cable raceway, a bunch of wrap and want this to be really clean. So I'll take my time before I build the cabinet doors.
Tomorrow a strong friend will come help me lift and position the tank. The process here will be to use the empty Brutes to drain it (cycling half full, currently), set the rock aside, put in place, add rocks and re-fill. Then make water. A LOT of water.....
Will take next week to complete the plumbing/electrical, then call up TBS for sand. I'm thinking #100 for a 72" x 18"? Then give it another week, and the corals from 75 and 25 move over.
Question: I have some vermitids. If even 1 gets transferred, then I end up covered in them. Live with it and don't worry? Or get all OCD to avoid moving them?