micro bubbles


New member
I am having these little bubbles just start to show up on my rocks. I am seeing some in my overflow as the water breaks the surface, but I am not seeing any get blown out into the tank from the return.

anyone have this before.
only when I had a small cyano outbreak then I had small bubbles appear on my live rock and other surfaces.....
I have noticed a little cyano, but not much at all. I know I need to change my carbon out, and I need to get my phosphate reactor charged up with new media as well. Hopefully the combination of the 2 will take care of it.
The only stuff I have in the system now is some older stuff I had gotten from PW a while ago. I have a small bag of that in there and a bag of chemi pure that I am sure is used up by now.

I have brand new carbon that I use for my RO, and I plan on using that, jsut have not switched over yet.
I wouldn't use it without testing it. On your posts you state that you have a 20g tank? Is this true? If so, and I were you, I would run nothing but chemi pure or chemi pure elite. That stuff is great. That is all I run in my nano, and I run some in my 90 for my ozone, but like I said before, I am sure it is worn out and needs changed.
You can test it for phopates with a phosphate kit. I think that some of the LFSs will test it for you. If I were you, and worried about it, I would just use the chemi pure.

The stuff you have might sitll work, but I would put some in a filter bag, or womens nylon for a cheaper version, and soak it in some RO water for a day. If anything is going to leak out of it, it will happen during that time.