microbubbles from skimmer


Premium Member
Dear Roger,

I have a problem with microbubbles from the 9020 doc skimmer in a compact kit 18,7.

They are just spitting out like they get payed for it.

Do you have any advise for me.
It is fairly normal on a new set up, the pumps are stronger than they will be after a month or two of use and the plastic repels water and some air is expelled with it. After it has broken in this will reduce sharply. If the tank is new and the saltwater is fairly fresh or some additives like a stress coat or slime algae killer or certain vitamins it can be made worse. For the time being you can close the front shutter over the intake, this forces the skimmer to recirculate and will reduce bubbles but over 2-3 weeks it should put out far less bubbles.
Thank you for the answer, the system is almost 2 years old. The compact filter came about 1 year ago. It has always made a little micro bubbles but over the time it has gone worse. I will try to close the intake and see what that can do.
Was the skimmer cleaned recently or a big water change or any chemical added? Also, some filter floss can cause this.
The tank had about 20% water change few days ago and the skimmer cup is cleaned once a week. I have closed the inlet and it has no bubbles coming from them now. One thing my LFS think it can be the that the inlet from the overflow is bringing to much air bubbles to the skimmer can that be the problem.
Yes, if the water has a high saturation with gas, the extra dissolved oxygen from the skimmer will come out of solution, this could be.