

Premium Member
I finally put my closed loop back on my tank today. I was even able to figure out how to prime it. LOL. The return is running through an inline hydor heater before going into the blue line pump. The pump returns the water per SCWD back into the tank. My problem is the it is returning lots of microbubbles. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to remedy this problem?? TIA.
How close is the intake to the surface of the water? Do you see little swirlies in the water going down to the intake?
The intake is probably 5-6 inches below the surface of the water. The water going from the intake down to the pump is more like a trickle. Might there be an air leak somewhere??
You have to get all the air out of the pipe from the intake to the pump. Is there any type of check valve or anything like that on the pipe that you can use to suck air out of the pipe?
No check valve, etc on intake to pump. I did put a flexible air hose in there and tried to suck out the air, but it only resulted in no water flowing from the intake. I got the siphon started again by turning off the pump and squirting water forcefully from turkey baster into intake pipe. I used to have no problem getting a siphon started when I had an overflow on this tank and a sump. The airline hose worked like a charm to get the air out. Sure wish Nick lived closer!!
LOL. Yeah, I used airline hose to start mine also. Is it possible to remove the hose from the intake of the pump, start the siphon there, and reattach hose without making a big mess?
The pipe where I would put the check valve is hard black plastic. The clear tubing connects it to the inline heater. I assume I would put the check valve where the hard black plastic piece goes over the back of the tank. Can I buy a check valve at Petco?? Yes Marty, I have turned the pump off and on several times. When I turn it off, water backs up to the hard black plastic piece all the way to the level of the tank. I used air hose and sucked all the air out and had my DH quickly turn on the pump while I pulled the air tubing out. Still a trickle!! Lots more flow in the tank, but those tiny bubbles (not the Tom Jones or was it Dean Martin, kind) are killing me.
The pipe where I would put the check valve is hard black plastic. The clear tubing connects it to the inline heater. I assume I would put the check valve where the hard black plastic piece goes over the back of the tank. Can I buy a check valve at Petco?? Yes Marty, I have turned the pump off and on several times. When I turn it off, water backs up to the hard black plastic piece all the way to the level of the tank. I used air hose and sucked all the air out and had my DH quickly turn on the pump while I pulled the air tubing out. Still a trickle!! Lots more flow in the tank, but those tiny bubbles (not the Tom Jones or was it Dean Martin, kind) are killing me.

Mother, just call me. It is an easy fix.