might have a problem...


New member
so i have 3 frag plugs of zoas that i glued on a rock, and they have been doing great. all of a sudden a few days ago one of the polyps on one frag started staying closed, and keeps getting thinner and thinner. i'm worried there may be something wrong with them. i like them alot and i don't want to loose any of them. Can i do a quick FW dip? because i don't have any lugols or any type of meds. all the other polyps are not only happy but in one week sprouted multiple babies.

What would you guys say i try ?
If you dip them and you have a bunch of new growth I would not worry about it. Sometimes you just loose one.
SO .. after the lights were on i put a flashlight in the tank and discovered a fireworm chomping away at the same polyp. I knew i wasnt crazy. so i did a FW dip for about 3 minutes and killed the sucker off. The zoas got this white haze over them now. i hope it wont hurt them.