Mini stars, live sand?

JCR's Reef

New member
I was wondering if anybody would want to get rid of or sell some mini stars or a little bit of live sand? I have alot of mysis in my refugium, amphipods, copodes, worms, but I havent seen any mini stars at all. I would like to add some. So I was wondering if anybody had any locally? I'm also looking for sand out of peoples tanks so I could add as much diversity to my tank as possible. Maybe a cup or so. If you have treated your tank with chemicals, or have had ich and such, I would pass.
i can give you some sand, but i might need a little boost from your fuge when i start mine here soon
That would be fine. I'm getting ready to upgrade my sump/refugium. right now its a 29g tank. I'm going to go with a 40g tank. I used sugar fine sand in my fuge, so let me know if thats okay for you.
I also purchased live sand from Fijiman (dont know if I can say)off e-bay.
I have a little left over if anyone is interested in it, maybe 10lbs or so. It looks like sugary white play sand. I used it as my bottom layer layer, then added reefsand on top of that.
I have a lot of rubble and sand in my fuge right now and I am breaking it down in the next month or so as I am rebuilding and would gladly give you a cup or so from here, maybe we can trade some.......meeting after next?
Cool thing is I went to The Pet Store and was talking to Jamie there and he hooked me up with some mini brittle stars. He gave me about 20 of them free. Figure I have spent enough money there so they really aren't free, but I'm not complaining.
do you still need some live sand, I am going to tear my 29 down soon to upgrade, and can give you a scoop of sand then.