Mini stars


Active member
Does anyone have mini bristle stars in their tank? I know some peoples tanks get over run with them, but it is one hitchhiker I have never had. Anyone have some that would be willing to spare a couple?

I have plenty hanging out in my cheato in a couple tanks. I picked out bunches of them when i thinned out the cheato last week, and dropped them back in the tank. It should be easy to shake some out for you.
i had a ton, but i haven't seen any little ones lately - i do have one hue one... about 4" across... that grew from teh baby ones...

if i see any any time soon i'll try and snag 'em and set 'em aside for ya
Safir and pmvalenti if you havn't seen in a while don't worry about it. I don't want to thin your population if it's already low. Safir, I wonder did they start to disapear when you got a new fish? I have a HUGE star fish in with my French angel, but any time one arm comes out, from under the rock it lives in, more then a cm the angel puts it back in it's place.

Shnabbles, I wonder if they are eating the pods in the cheato? I know pods often times live in the cheato. Who knows.

ken you think you could set some aside and bring them to the meeting?
For Sure Jon. or if you drop by to collect any of the stuff i'm holding for you we can shake some out.

I don't think they eat the pods. the pods are too fast and the stars too small. but the cheato gives them safe cover to crawl through and hang out in, while it collects a lot of food bits from feeding the fish. pods and stars go bonkers feeding and multiplying in the cheato.
only things we've added in a long time are a skunk cleaner shrimp and a cardinalfish.

I think one of two things happened

1) they came in on some aquacultured gulf rock - so they were probably overpopulated in our small tank

2) we have been figting a rise in nitrates of the last 6-8 months, they may be sensitive to that.
Thanks Ken, I was thinking of stopping by, but exams are getting ready to start and I have a lot of projects I should be working on. I also should be looking for a job this summer, hoping to find one at the college, so I probably shouldn't be messing with my tanks for the next 2-3 weeks.