Minimizing blowing sand


Premium Member
I have a 120 with two 6000s and a 7095 controller. I have the 6000s in the corners aiming to the front center of tank. Running at about 65% max power. The sand in the front of the tank keeps blowing back (over about a 2 day period). Any general suggestions that would help reduce this? It is a new tank, I am hoping that it will settle down. I am using the Magnetic holders (they work much better then the standard ones). Thanks for your input.
As the sand ages this will not be so much of a problem. I could only suggest running a lower speed for now and be careful no sand gets in the pumps.
Thanks Roger. The pumps are well above the sand. I will lower the speed on them for a while like you suggest. By the way the magnets are awesome. They give a much more level flow then when I had the included brackets installed. With the brackets the pumps pointed downward ever so slightly making the sand movement much worse.
i reply because I am setting up my two 6000s w 7095 tonight on the same tank - and i ask - why wouln't aiming the 6000s to the front end of the tank (not the center) be a possible solution?

rvitko said:
As the sand ages this will not be so much of a problem. I could only suggest running a lower speed for now and be careful no sand gets in the pumps.
The longer the reach the less force in any particular location so yes, corner to corner would minimize this but corner to center diffuses the flow by bouncing it off the glass and this is generally better for the corals but not necessarily for the sand bed. These things you just have to try and find what works for you.
wasp9166 said:
put crushed coral on top of the sand, helped me immensely

No matter where I placed my 6000 in the 75g tank, there was always an area that would cavitate as the sand blew away, and this despite having a "mature" DSB. Covering just that area with a small amount of CC completely solved the problem, in addition to providing a pleasing variation in contrasts with the fine sand, and allowing me to blast the tunze at full strenght.