minumum tank age for a clam?

Tank Age is not so much a factor as stability is. A tank can be a year old and if the water parameters are not all in place, your tank is not suitable for a clam.

Assuming your temperature, salinity, pH, calcium, etc. are all where they should be, you should also have residual nitrates and phosphates in your tank left for clams as discussed in previous threads.

If SPS can be kept in your tank, so can clams with regard to lighting. Nothing is too much if the clams are properly acclimated.
"is 9.1 w/gal too much light?"

If it's NO tubes, PCs, or even VHOs, it's not ENOUGH for maximas and croceas! What kind of lights do you have, and what are the dimensions of your tank?

9.1 watts per gallon may be enough for a derasa or a squamosa. Just depends on the tank demensions.
Sounds like a perfect setup for clams. I was afraid you were another person wanting to keep a maxima in a 10 gallon with normal output tubes! (It's happened!)

Maximas can get 8-10 inches I believe, but it takes many, many years. Somewhere between 5-10 I believe.