mixing clowns in a 200?....


New member
are there any clowns that can be kept together in a 200 gal.
I am talking about two maited pairs of different species.

S. Carter
Mixing clowns is risky. Since the tank is so large however you can try adding in true percs on one end with an anemone present and you can also add two Sebaes on the other end to host another nem. If you don't want the nems that should make no difference for the fish. With such a large tank, as long as you introduce the fish to different ends, territorial disputes and other issues between the species may not occur. But it's never a definite thing...like I said, mixing clowns can be risky.
We have 2 false percs and 2 tomato clowns in our 210. They don't bother each other at all. YMMV
I have 2 ocellaris clowns and 2 clarkii, but my tank is 300 gallons so they are far away from each other, each pair in their own anemones (a Magnifica and a Haddoni). My clarkii used to "bother" my occelaris clowns until I got her a mate!