Mixing container question


Do u guys clean the mixing container after every water change?? Ro water or tap water ??

I found my self cleaning over and over and over with ro water until i pour some water and reads 0 on the DTS meter.

Is this necessary?? Would it be ok to simply put more water and mix it even tho it mayb a bit of water from last mixing or maybe some salt residue??

I mix 20 gallons in a BRUTE container

I clean my Brute container about every 4 month's due to some precipitation that builds up on its sides. Aside from that, I don't do anything to it between water changes.
I use tap water on my containers. I flip them upside down and then dry with a towel. Gets all the residue out and then I fill em up with RO water. I read 0 most of the time.
Its not necessary to clean after every use. Only when the calcium precip gets to much for you to take personally.

I do find myself cleaning mine more often than I should but after I clean with RO and wipe it down I dont test for TDS, Im confident that its fine to use for mixing again.
I personally don't worry about it. A quick wash with tap water and let it dry, never had issues.
It should be 0 also. What kind of container is it and which one?

It really depends on how well you dry out your mixing barrel. If salt dries in the bottom after you do a WC then adding RO water will give you TDS. If dust gets in the barrel between WCs then youll have TDS. TDS is really hard to keep 0 once it leaves the RO/DI line.
Rinsed and cleaned my 30 gallon Brute yesterday. Just tested the filled container and got a 0 TDS reading.
Depending on what type of container you are using and where it is located I think its a good idea to clean it as often as you can.
You mean to say you can clean the mixing barrel? I suppose I have cleaned mine out maybe 6 times since I put it in service. In 1988.
