Mixing Salt Question


New member
I made up some saltwater yesterday, using left over salt from a couple of old water changes. The salt was clumped up, but I used it anyway. It has been over 24 hours and the salt is still suspended in the solution. Millions of salt crystals can still be seen moving around in the water. That has never happened to me before. I raised the temp in the mixing tank to about 90 in hopes that the hotter water would disolve the salt. Any words of wisdom?
Every thread I have read so far about old salt, says use it. None of the threads described a condition of salt not desolving. You may wane post in the chemistry forum. It could have percipitaded witch makes it useles.
You should break up any chunks before adding it to the water for mixing. Make sure you add it slowly with a pump on or it will never mix properly. The same thing has happened to me if I mix it to fast.

Will it ever dissolve? I have about 50 gallons that I cant use siting there. I have to throw it out and mix a new batch, or use it as is. I dont have any fresh RO other than a 5 gallon jug.
It's possible that the calcium was pulled out of solution.I'd test the water for SG & calcium.If the calcium is low,you could still use the water,but will just have to compensate for it.HTH.
I have used salt with the same problem. It did not harm anything. You can let it settle by turning off the pump and siphoning it from the top.
it may just be calcium out of solution, this happens when the water is too hot, thats why i dont use a heater when mixing new water unless it is very cold, then i will heat it up right before i do the water change
Mine was mixed without the heat, I turned on the heater after 24 hours to try to help it dissolve. Eddie mixed his inside his home, which was about 73 degrees. If mine does not mix by this evening I will be pouring it out. I dont want to take any chances.