mixing salt


New member
Hi all,

What do you all use to mix your salt. I currently buy the catalina water, but am going to start mixing my own soon. I was wondering if anyone uses mixer of some kind or just powerheads?

Rubbermaid Brute 44Gal and a Maxi 900, Kent float valve from RO in Laundry room, Get the lid too it will close with the cords no problem, just line up handles and put cords there.
if your tank is not to small and the evap rate is not that much the catalina water is by far the best it has more natural minerals and things in it
I agree, but, I have a 100 gal, a 55 gal, and a 12 gal that all need water changes. Add it up, for 20%/month water changes it comes out to about $40 dollars in just salt water, when I could probably mix myself for $10 or less. That is a huge savings over the course of a year. Evap rate realy is not part of the equation because you are just topping off with RO water anyways. Thanks for your replies.
oh yeah thats true sorry that is one of the most common nube mistake is adding salt water for top off glad to say i never did that before i am busy trying to do 50 things at once clean respond to RC IM friends and mess with my tanks sorry i lost my train of thought
i just use a bucket and powerhead too do something else for an hour then come back later
If you are using Catalina water make sure you test the SG before use. I have seen the SG from 1.024-1.029 from batch to batch.
a 5 gal bucket and my arm holding a mixer umm stick I guess, for a while then wait for it to settle and do it again untill it is about the same temp as tank and all the aslt is dissolve.
Or a 5 gal. bucket and drop a powerhead in there till its dissolved and the right temp.
I got tired of make sea water each week and doing all the testing, etc, so I created my own semi-commercial system by using a 55 gallon drum (all plastic with fittings on the bottom and top. I added pvc connections, shutoff valves and couplings so I can service the pump. I just turn on the pump before I'm going to use it for about 15 minutes and them pump the water back into the sump as needed. It lasts me about two months. There is a clear tubing line to show where the level is in the drum. I us RO/DI water and currently Oceanic Salt.

PeterJVincent - I might have to have you over and help me set up a system like that. I'm in Coronado Ranch in gilbert.
I might be a little barbaric in my mixing... but I get my big 5 gallon jug out, add the appropriate amount of salt. Then I roll the jug down the driveway and across the street up the neighbors drive....then I run over and push it back. I do this 5 or so times and it is pretty darn mixed. I let it sit overnight and then give it one more good roller coaster ride down the driveway before it goes in the tank.

my saltwater has fun!
One more thing to add about Catalina Water is the calcium is 300-325 ppm. You should raise it before adding the catalina to your tank.
Great responses. Peter, your system sounds like what I would like to do. Dirt, I just don't have the energy or will to give your system a try :). Thanks again all.
LOL...rollercoaster, mixing spoon...I thought my 5 gallon bucket with a powerhead was bad...lol. I guess whatever works. I always heard that the water should be mixed for several hours before checking the SG. I usually wait a couple hours, check SG, then add RO water as required to drop the SG and check about 10-15 minutes later alllowing the new RO water to mix. Also, I heard its good to use an airstone or venturi to mix air with the saltwater? Any opinions on this?
