Super Abound
I got a 3 polyp frag of a mohawk paly 1.5 to 2 months back. i had it on a rock about an inch off the sand, kinda shaded, color was great, growth seemed slow so when i mounted it on its own rock i placed it center/front of my tank for more light.
i worked a lot that week and towards the end of the week i noticed the flow was a little high on it and it was losing its color, the skirts mostly, the center still had its sparkles. i moved the rock to the front corner of my tank where the flow is much lower and the lighting a little less intense, the rock its mounted on places it about 2 inches off the sand.
it went through a phase where it would close one polyp at a time for a day or more (i thought it was dying) but then they would open up. they all are open now and healthy looking aside from being white with some parts looking brown (they still are sparkly in the center with yellow mouths). it is even growing new polyps, i have 5 now with two more developing. it looks like it is very slowly getting its color back but i can't really tell.
ive left it in its current position for a month or so, should i give it more time? i was thinking if i changed anything it would be more light. the flow seems to be good now and it seems to be recovering, albeit slowly.
my tank is a 34g cube, 20" deep. four 24" t5 sunlight supply tek light. flow is mp10 and the return pump.
all params are good and pretty steady (Ca 410, Alk 8.3-8.6, Mg 1320-1350, SG 1.025-1.026) and all other coral are super healthy, full of color and growing well (duncan, acan, mutiple zoas, euphyllia, monti cap).
thanks for the help!
i worked a lot that week and towards the end of the week i noticed the flow was a little high on it and it was losing its color, the skirts mostly, the center still had its sparkles. i moved the rock to the front corner of my tank where the flow is much lower and the lighting a little less intense, the rock its mounted on places it about 2 inches off the sand.
it went through a phase where it would close one polyp at a time for a day or more (i thought it was dying) but then they would open up. they all are open now and healthy looking aside from being white with some parts looking brown (they still are sparkly in the center with yellow mouths). it is even growing new polyps, i have 5 now with two more developing. it looks like it is very slowly getting its color back but i can't really tell.
ive left it in its current position for a month or so, should i give it more time? i was thinking if i changed anything it would be more light. the flow seems to be good now and it seems to be recovering, albeit slowly.
my tank is a 34g cube, 20" deep. four 24" t5 sunlight supply tek light. flow is mp10 and the return pump.
all params are good and pretty steady (Ca 410, Alk 8.3-8.6, Mg 1320-1350, SG 1.025-1.026) and all other coral are super healthy, full of color and growing well (duncan, acan, mutiple zoas, euphyllia, monti cap).
thanks for the help!