I recently got some mollies, from a tank that they cleaned of almost all the algae in it.
It's been a week and they do zipppo. They re not hiding, the gernerally hang out on the top of the tank. I even went two days no food, but that didn't work. My main problem is Bryospsis (that my mex turbos keep my tank clean of, but not whne it's more than a mm long).
Will they ever eat it? or just bring them back to LFS? ugh
I recently got some mollies, from a tank that they cleaned of almost all the algae in it.
It's been a week and they do zipppo. They re not hiding, the gernerally hang out on the top of the tank. I even went two days no food, but that didn't work. My main problem is Bryospsis (that my mex turbos keep my tank clean of, but not whne it's more than a mm long).
Will they ever eat it? or just bring them back to LFS? ugh