Monster Aquarium Planning.


New member
Hey Guys

Im going to be moving into my new place now at the start of 2011 so have decided to start planning my new tank, Ive decided to build a L shaped in wall build,

Measurements will be Length L:2000mm x L:2000mm x H:600mm x D:500



This is just my first ideas, Theres going to be a hidden door low down so you can go under the tank and into a small room behind the tank for doing all your maintainence etc.

For this aquarium i want to have an ultimate setup. In terms of equiptment so i really could do with help on what equiptment would be the best for a tank of this size.

Only thing i no at the moment is that im going to be using vortech powerheads,

Other thing i want to do is get the community really involved with this tank
Anyway any imput and ideas would be great.

Cheers guys

With all that room behind tank in fish room I would go 36" deep , never seen an L shape setup this way. I will flow with existing wall seamlessly.
Its just the first idea i have got here at the monent. Yes i could go deeper and give myself more room in the tank. Ive just read Tipou 750g show tank (L shape) which has given me alot of inspiration on what to do with my tank.

What sort of flow rate should i be looking for in a tank this size?
Is the door going to be under the tank, or next to it?

Well to make the tank as big as possible i was thinking of having it under the tank i havnt seen it done like that before and cant see there being any major problems with it? A Crawl Space to get behind the tank haha
I can see crawling under the tank getting old really fast, especially once you get all the plumbing under the tank done. How will you drag large items like the refugium and skimmer through there? How will it feel like to carry hundreds of kilos of salt and buckets of water under there? I just don't think it would be very practical, but that's only my opinion.

I can see crawling under the tank getting old really fast, especially once you get all the plumbing under the tank done. How will you drag large items like the refugium and skimmer through there? How will it feel like to carry hundreds of kilos of salt and buckets of water under there? I just don't think it would be very practical, but that's only my opinion.



I would put all the sump, skimmers etc in place before completing the walls. As per the buckets of water etc i was going to have a self filling system set up so i could do that externally and it would fill the sump. If something like this is possible?

This is only ideas that I'm playing with at the moment and all your comments are taken positively.

The opening would be 1000mm x 1000mm of clear space.

Cheers :)
Looks like it will be a fun build. Any chance of putting up the measurements in inches (for us dummies who dont know metric).

Thanks, Dave
Looks fun. I kind of like the idea of crawling under the tank as long as the tank is high enough. Think it would be interesting, kind of like a secret room lol. If there was an ATO and a way to feed from the outside then there shouldnt be much need to crawl under there EVERY day. Just once a week for water changes, skimmer cleaning, etc.
Looks fun. I kind of like the idea of crawling under the tank as long as the tank is high enough. Think it would be interesting, kind of like a secret room lol. If there was an ATO and a way to feed from the outside then there shouldnt be much need to crawl under there EVERY day. Just once a week for water changes, skimmer cleaning, etc.

Yer thats exactly what i want to try and achieve, a seceret room housign all my equiptment so as far as anyone would know theres just a fish tank in the wall.

I dont really mind going in to do the feeding i just would like a way of having the sump tank self filling so it will draw the water as needed so il have no need to really be dragging buckets through the hole,
As the room would back on to the kitchen i may even put a drain in there so water changes etc can be done without leaving the room??

Cheers. Carl
U shd read nineball's setup on his 1350G tank... it's also L shape and contains ton of useful information:P

For me, going deep is good but do remember it will be very difficult to scape. I have recently move and now one side of the tank have a higher access level, which makes maintenance and placing corals a breeze so you may want to consider having some sort of platform behind the tank for ease of maintenance.