Monti bleached


New member
With this alk issue I have had I have 2 corals that have taken a turn for the bad. One is a toadstool leather who just a week ago was 7-8" across and now its head is half disolved. The other is a monit cap that bleached over 3 or so days. Its pure white. Any chance it may recover?
well, see if it covers with algae soon. that's how I know when a coral, or part of the coral is dieing. I guess you'll find out in the coming week
Well the good news is that My now mangled leather looks a little happy. My hairy shroom that spit its guts out seems to be closing up. But the bad news is that this monit is really white. I will post pics later. But I think its a goner. I will give it a week just to make certain.
Are you sure the monti is bleached & that it hasn't sloughed it's tissue?A bleached coral can often recover,but if the tissue is gone then the coral is dead.You should keep an eye on any other SPS you have,as RTN type issues can spread rapidly.HTH