Monti changed color


New member
A couple of weeks ago, I bought a beautiful light blue encrusting monti from the lfs. It has now changed color to purple. The other specimens at eh lfs are still blue. I'm wondering what some of the reasons for this too happen. The lighting I have is a 14000K XM 175W MH with 2 20W flourescents. Could I be over feeding? Is there a way to get it to change back to its once light blue color?
Think of it as a grab bag. Even know you bought it at blue, the grab bag clause says you never know until you get it home. Different water, lighting, etc. Then again, stress could do that, and perhaps blue will come back in time. Good luck.
Until a few days ago, It was lower in the tank. I have moved it to the highest point in the tank. Hopfully that will help.
not to put a "bug" in this thread or anything but...

You do know those XM15K bulbs are the worst 15K bulb for PAR ever invented right?

I would invest in another 15K bulb like the new ones from Iwasaki or Pheonix or something...

XM10K's are AWSOME, and XM20K's are good, but their 15K bulb is like BADDDDDDDDDD!
Two possibility.
One is light deifference.. Your light and lfs 's light should be different. Usually bluish light make coral more blue. Less blue light makes turn blue to purpple. So check the color of light.
Second is your corals come from wild capture. If so, color of coral can be changed under tank.