Lugol's/Iodine dips worked for me. You can either find it at a pharmacy or LFS under SeaChem Coral Disenfectant or Kent brands. You want to treat the coral in a separate container.
A toothbrush and a flash light will help as well. I had good results removing the colonies at night when the nudis were really out and brushing them off. I dipped the colonies as well, and fragged any seriously affected areas. HTH
toothbrush them off in a you didnt QT..i had them...but i only have one monti so i dont have to worry about them spreading as it will be the only monti in my tank...but i toothbrush them off in a glass bowl about once a week until they are gone
Sorry if I didn't make it clear, but they are in QT, and that's where I found the nudis. I learned during my first year of reefing about the importance of QT.
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