Not to get in some sort of pointless battle but I beg to differ about the M. aequituberculata being just a scrolling Montipora. It can actually encrust, as well. When I ID something I look at the growth form, if the corallites are immersed, how large the papillae (tuberculae) are in comparison to others (in mm). I have looked at all the monti's and this seems to be the closest one. M. mollis is super smooth with very tiny polyps and no papillae. M. nodosa has larger polyps but has nodules all over it. From what I can see Gorillas' and Javatechs' Montipora (which is coincedentally our Photo- no problem anyone can use it as long as they aren't trying to sell the coral) are exactly the same thing which is in my opinion M. aequituberculata.
I hope this helps you all out. Montipora's are in my opinion even more difficult to ID than alot of Acropora.
Have a great Sunday,
Chris @ RM
Oh and Kurt is exactly right as those are little barnacles that live along with the Montipora. They grow along with each other to create the "horns".