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I've got 2 montipora capricornis. One is orange and the other is supposed to be green with purple polyp. The green one is a very pale color now and the orange one is bleaching around the edges. I've tried lowering them in the tank for a few months, putting them higher, feeding the fish more, dipping them, running gac pretty much everything I can think of and they still look like crap. They are in a 125 gallon with a 6 bulb sunpower 10 inches AWL (only 4 bulb on because my Lps can't deal with all 6 bulb on) for 8.5 hrs. Parameters are as follows
Calcium: 425 (salifert)
Alk: 10 dkh (salifert)
Mag: 1300 (salifert)
Nitrates: 2 (red sea)
Phosphates: 0.00 (hanna)
Here's some pictures.
Calcium: 425 (salifert)
Alk: 10 dkh (salifert)
Mag: 1300 (salifert)
Nitrates: 2 (red sea)
Phosphates: 0.00 (hanna)
Here's some pictures.