Montipora bleaching


Cyprinius carpio
Team RC
Last weekend I bought a few Montipora cap frags and I mounted them on Wed night. Now 2 of them are bleaching, one since yesterday. About 25% has turned white. I used superglue gel to attach to marine epoxy. After less than 5 seconds I put the frag into SW to cool the glue. Could this have been the cause? If so is there anything I can do? If not this what else could it be?

Forgot to add the ones I have not attached are not bleaching and they went from MH to T5 lighting so it should be a decrease.
Actually, It is epoxy that heats up. When the two parts are mixed together, heat is generated. This could be the cause. i have superglued hundreds of frags, sometimes keeping them out of water for up to 5 minutes, without harm.

I used AquaStik stone grey epoxy putty. I mixed it in my hands for a minute before attaching. If the bleaching continues, should I cut off some of the living tissue and hope for the best? Thanks.
how far the caps from the t5 bulbs, there's a thread about t5 more intense than mh. maybe it could be the problem...

I'm also using aquastik and mount my caps with it, then put them in the bottom of the tank. (my tank height is 15" and total about 18" with the legs. it's been two weeks since I mount the cap and it's already encrusting without sign of bleaching..
I thought of that too. I have 4 x 54 watt T5 HO lights, 2 actinics and 2 blue + with ice cap reflectors but I am not overdriving the lights. The lights are 4" off surface and the 2 frags are on LR on the bottom of the tank so add 14+" of water. I have another mounted frag that is ok and 2 others that are fine and unmounted.
I took a piece of epoxy, it is like modeling clay, rolled it around in my hand and really did not feel any heat from it.
the aquastik puddy generate heat, right after 1.5 mins, I could feel the heat in my palm, even when i put the puddy in the water.. still feel the heat. .. maybe the skin in my palm .. more sensitive ? :D
Yeah I guess you could have ...... more sensitive skin on your hands than I do.
The red cap still continues to decline. I have a feeling that it is lost but I will try and frag a piece of living tissue. Maybe it will make a comeback. (fingers crossed).
Yes they are just off the sand bed so 14" of water and 4" of air. There are a few other frags higher up in the water column that look fine. These frags came from the same place as the bleaching one.
My alk and Ca are fine, actually on the higher end of the range.
I looked earlier and the bleaching size is the same size as the epoxy so I would have to go with burn. There is some of the frag hanging off the epoxy so I hope this is still alive.