Moon light question for the multicontrollers.


Does the moonlight come on immediately after the lights go off? I noticed a weird behavior last night only because I just happened to be outside when it happened. My metal halides went off but my actinics were on and the moonlights came on. Later on my actinics turned off but I noticed the moonlight was off, it was completely dark and the moon light was still off. What I had to do was cycle through the night mode and moon light in order for it to come back on. Night mode and moon light are usually enabled.
My guess would be that the moonlight cycled through 2 phases some how and went to the one day where it was off, it brightens and dims through a 29 day lunar cycle and one day it is off completely and for several before and after it is so dim it looks to be off.
It stayed off again last night and I ended up having to cycle through the controllers night mode and moon light again to get it to turn on. Is there a way to reset the lunar cycle, will essentially powering off the multicontroller do this?