Moonlight Simulation


New member
I am trying to set up my moonlights to work on the simulation.
I have my simu-spot on L3/L4. I have L3 assigned to illumination channel 4.

When I choose to use the moon simulation on channel 4 I get no output from the moonlight. The dimming curve is at 100%. The moon simulation is at 9%. The moon phase is a black square. I am within the time of the moonphase.

Any suggestions?

try to set your brightness to 100 percent and see if makes a difference

is it in the time frame that you created

also check the box L4

i would delete and re enter your time and make sure it is PM also
Brightness at 100percent makes no difference. As soon as I enable the moon simulation I get no moonlight.
It is within the timeframe that I created. The box L4 is checked.
I can try deleting an re-entering the time but I do not see what difference that would make.
(Save between steps)

1. Uncheck the Apply moon Simulation to Box(s)

2. Set the moonlight for the Max Brightness you desire (Mine is 30%)

3. Ensure the moonlights are working.

4. Check the Apply moon Simulation to Box(s)

I ran into the same thing when I installed mine since it was
the New Moon period of the lunar cycle for me as well.

I also run about 3% of the Red (sunrise/set) at night all month long.

I think it looks nicer than just the pure Blue moonlights
and it lets you see the tank even at New Moon.

Though it is a little odd seing a Red Tank at new moon :)
I think the problem was just that at 9% moon that equals no light output. Now that the moon phase has increased I am getting moonlight. I guess it was more bad timing at the current phase of the moon!
Moonphase kicks in at 15% roughly.

This is because the software takes the reality of moon light into account, when the moon is at its lowest cycle you get zero light from it, so the software adjusts for this.

All clever stuff :)
Very clever.. just that based on the way the light output is calculated as given in the manual I thought I would get some light output. Maybe put a blurb in the manual that moonphase below 15% gives you 0 output. It would save someone wondering what is going on!