More coral ideas please


New member
Looking for ideas for corals to add to the tank. Was thinking some more small acans to go on the rock above the red acan? Or a blasto? Could do with something between the torch and hammer, that area looks a bit bare. The long gap between the two birds nests need something just no idea what. Any suggestions are welcome. Many thanks in advance.

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Give the torch and hammer plenty of room. They're fast-growing, and while they are cousins, they will fight chemically, and by touch, if they get in range. Look for them to fill that space.
Avoid leather coral: cranky stuff that can damage some and annoy the rest. You might look for some of the bright-orange mushrooms. Bubble or brain coral would be a good grows-slowly sort of stony for the bottom. I think you're fighting an uphill battle with the branching coral: Giving their space to a montipora might work, but only if it stays clear of the softies. I'd give it a good mix of fluffy stony and the less aggressive softies and expect growth.