more mushrooms

Yes, they will split and leave a small amount of themselves on the rock that forms into a new shroom. You can also do what I have done and help them along in this process and divide them into quarters. I have a 10g tank I use with a lot of rubble rock and shells for them to attach to when they are healed. I do not have a lot of flow in this tank so that they can easily stick to something and heal, I have propogated 2 red mushrooms giving me 8, 1 blue giving me 3,(one piece died) and a green giving me 4 more greens. I have a Superman mushroom that has split twice on its own and now I have 3 of them. I was lucky and got this one as a free hitchiker on a piece of rock I bought and since there was only one I didn't want to chance it dying. To split them, know they are very slippery and you will need a new, freshly washed razor blade, then divide them into quarters. I usually do this on a paper plate or paper towel so I can keep them in one place as I cut them. Good luck if you choose to try it.
sometimes they will for no reason decide to travel across the rock leaving babies behind every inch.or detach from the rock leaving behind a stump that grows
Yeah I've had them slide down the side of a rock leaving 2 or 3 new babies to start growing new ones. They will also sometimes detach from a rock and float somewhere else to start a new colony and leave behind a piece of their tissue to regrow in the original spot.
they would usualy move along a rock and leave little pieces of its base behind... those would eventually become another shroom... or they would leave the rock entirely and travel the tank, until it finds another spot... usually it'll leave a peace of itself behind...
My main bright red mushroom is moving on a rock. It has produced about 6 babies in the past couple months. Starting to look like a nice little colony
My 'shrooms alway's have new one's growing out of the base of an older one and will eventually seperate, but then i'll get a whole bunch in one spot.