More skimmer opinions


New member
Well, My 210 has been up and running for about 3 months now and things seem to be going well. I am currently running an dual beckett MR-2 with a 20" extension powered by a pan world 200ps. Not only does it suck up the power, but its a bit louder than I had hoped. So I am looking for a new skimmer. Hopefully a nice recirc needle wheel. I am torn between Deltec and H&S. I know there are many other options, but these are the two that stand out right now.

I have gotten a couple of conflicting reports about sizing for my tank. like I said, its a 210, 75g sump, with about 15 fish (5tangs), mixed reef, mostly mushrooms and sps now, but I am looking to transition to SPS.

Long story short...what size skimmer will handle my tank keeping in cost and efficiency in mind. Will an AP851 or A200-1260 do? Or do i need to look at the AP902 and A200-2x1260??

If i ever upgrade to a larger tank, I will likely buy a new skimmer. So what I need is something that can handle what I have now.

I am using a H&S A150-F2001 on my 225. I am sure you will get a lot of good posts regarding the Deltec. I understand they are excellent skimmers but I have no experience with them. I am very pleased with my H&S. I have never owned a skimmer that skimmed as well. Of course, I have never owned a high end skimmer! I highly recommend it.
Thanks King!

Any other opinions out there???

Many people will say that most skimmers are overrated. Meaning if the manufacturer says it can handle a 200 gallon tank, its can really only handle a 100 gallon tank. Is that still true of these higher end skimmers??
The A150 is rated at 225 gallons according to I originally bought it for a 120 gallon tank, but disposed of that tank. However, it seems more than enough for my 225. I am not an expert on skimmers by any means, but it seems to me this skimmer is under rated. I would think this skimmer would work well on your 210. However, if you plan to go to a larger tank in the future, you may want to purchase the next step up. The A200 is the next step up and costs approximately 400 bucks more! I would suggest you call someone at Fins Reef and ask their opinion. I would do some lengthy searches on this site for both the Deltec and H&S. Frankly, I don't think you will go wrong with either skimmer. I don't think I gave any definitive answers, but hope this helps some.
I have (will be selling now) a MTC beckett type skimmer with a Blueline 55 pump. I had it with the noise and heat. On a leap of faith I let someone talk me into a H&S A150 -2001. I got it and it looked like a toy to me. I CANNOT believe what this pulls out of th water. More than the MTC. Get yourself an H&S or a Deltec. You cannot go wrong. For your size tank I would get the A200. By the way, H&S are less costly than Deltec and better constructed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8512954#post8512954 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
deltec baby... deltec

OK...what size? Will an 851 handle my 210 with a medium load, or do I need to look at the 702 or 902?? Keep in mind that if I upgrade to a bigger tank in the future, I won't mind buying a new skimmer for it, so I dont need to be prepared for expansion any time soon.
i have a 702 on my 300.. if you can fit a 902 i say go for it... but i could not fit it under my stand to i got a 702.. the skimmer is a beast...