More Stuff For Sale - Skimmers, Fuge, Ro/DI, Stand, More

El Jefe9830

Premium Member
Hey all...

I posted a thread about a couple of things for sale, but never got around to posting pics and all that. For some reason, I can't go back and edit that post to add more items for sale and pics, so I am starting a new one. I NEED to get this stuff out of my fish room as it is getting very disorganized, so make offers, I might just take it. I don't have a use for any of this, and could be spending the money at SWReefCO on Corals. LOL

Remora Skimmer Pro Large with Mag 3 Pump - $150

Remora Skimmer Small with MaxiJet1200 Pump - $100

Side by Side view of both Remora's

Seaclone HOB Skimmer with MaxiJet900 - $50 (could add MJ1200 maybe)

Ecosystem HOB Refugium w/ everything except mud - $200
Notes: I have two pumps that come with it, one is the original rio600, and the other I am not sure, but is a bit stronger than the rio. I wanted a little more flow through the refugium.

AirWaterIce 75 GPD Ro/Di Typhoon 3 System - $125
Notes: Filters are in good shape, and I would use them for a while, but if you want new ones you can order them for $40 I think. There are a couple of extras with this.

55 Gallon Tank Stand with doors in good shape - $50
Notes: No tank as I gave it to me neighbor when his sprung a leak.
What kind of pump you looking for, and how much water do you need to move?

I have a GenX PCX40 pump (blue,external use only) that I could probably be talked into letting go for like $75 maybe. I used it one time for about two days when my main pump went down in my main tank. It isn't nearly enough for my tank, but it worked well for a short time while I was finding the new pump.

It is kind of my backup in case things hit the fan like it did that one time, but I actually have another pump that is about the same size, so I could probably sell it.
Have any pumps? Need some pumps for my new set up. Thanks
BTW still selling your 300?

I suppose I could be talked into selling for the right price, but it is much farther along than when I had it for sale. I have over 300 lbs of live rock now, and still need more. I have lots of fish and corals. I was only really trying to sell back then when I was frustrated with the cost of things, but I slowed down a bit, and really just started building the tank slowly but surely.

I am very happy with the tank, and I am getting pretty well setup now so that it is hardly anything to maintain the tank. I would like to get more into fragging, and possibly even try to make a little money that way to support my habit/hobby. We will see how it goes.
That sounds like it might work gonna put it on a 135 or 150 i think those are 1100+ gph if I am right. isnt that another pump in the pic? the black one next to the red box? did you buy the genx new or used?
Yeah, I would think it would be enough for those tanks. I bought the GenX from a friend, but I am pretty sure it was brand new, or at least that is what he said. I ran it within the last 2 months, and it works great, so no worries there.

That is another pump in the pic. However, it is a monster pump, and not mine. It is exactly the same pump I have running my main system now, and I borrowed it from a friend to do some testing with some different setups. He is going to pic it up someday. LOL
Everything is OBO guys....Need to get some of this out of here.

I will trade for corals too specifically Acroporas and Zoo Colonies, but will consider just about any corals I don't have which leaves a pretty long list. LOL

Let me know