Morph or takeover?


New member
When placing multiple zoas on the same rock, are they more likely to morph or for one to take over the other and choke it out? I'm still pretty new to corals in general and see threads about morphs of two (or more) zoas, but have also been told that one is more likely to outgrow the other. Any experienced information is greatly appreciated!
one will generally take out the other.

If you look down there a couple other recent threads on this
To morph rather than take over, would they just have to be of a similar aggression? Or does something else come into play?
I don't really understand the morph part but if you have 2 zoa colonies, eventually the will (mostly likely) end up as one colony.

I don't think the one morphs into the other, it just gets choked out
Placing 2 different zoas together will NOT equate to a new looking morph, probably almost all the time. As with the majority of coral interactions, one will dominate. I am do not know what the missing ingredient is for getting somethnig like a 2 face paly.