Mostly LPS tank - Lighting and Flow questions.


New member

The tank is a 55g with a 20g sump.

In the tank I have two 800 GPH powerheads.

The sump has a 200GPH after the 4' head.

I would like my tank to be a LPS tank.

I do have a couple mushrooms and a leather, but LPS will be the focus of this tank.

Water Movement:

One powerhead is mounted on each side of the tank slightly above the mid point. Both are aimed towards the top of the tank at about a 45 degree angle. They do not blow directly on anything.

As things stand now I love the flow. The current keeps things in the water column for a long time. It should help me keep the tank nice and clean.


My lighting is currently the 48" - 60" version HERE

It's a total of 30w LED.

The bottom of the tank is 19" from the light.

The manufacturer says:

Medium Light Corals/Large Polyp Stony Corals (LPS)
Low Light and Soft Corals


1. How does the flow sound?

2. How is the lighting for LPS?

Bonus Question

I added a couple small frags to the tank last night. A hammer, a galaxia, a trumpet, and clove polyps. These are all TINY.

The hammer coral for example is only one "head" and is about 1.5 inches long counting the stony part.

3. If the tank is running well, what would you consider a good growth rate, and what would you consider a bad growth rate over the next 6 months?

Thank you!
Most all LPS corals like low flow and low to med light. I've got a 40b and can only run one of my 800 powerheads because two is way too much. But its only a 3' long tank. I've since added more LR so I might try adding the second powerhead later today. First I've got to try and catch my rogue Cherub Angel. He's greatly harassing my new fish additions so he will find himself in time out in the sump!

Some LPS can take more flow than others, Euphyllia and Duncans are happiest with a gentle waving of their tentacles while short tentacle LPS can take a bit more flow. It's a trial and error situation.