mounting shrooms


New member
What would be the best medium to propagate shrooms onto?I have rhodactis right now.

I was thinking of buying base rock and making it into 2" rocks and mounting 3-5 shrooms on each.

I was thinking they would look much better on rock, or should I go with say discs and only put one shroom on it as they can be placed anywhere in someones tank like that?

Any other recommendations?

Thanks in Advance - Jay
the ruble rock is definately more appealing to most people IMO. Looks more natural. If you use smaller pieces people can attach them to their rock or leave them in the sand.
I use rock that is easy to break, like tonga branch or hatian lettuce rock. As far as the amount of shrooms on a frag, that depends on the customers. Some people like to get one or two and grow them out themselves, and others don't like to wait and would like colonies or groups of them. So giving people more options is probably your best bet. IMO
IMO id go with the discs. because then people could place them almost sometimes thier easier to mount that way..
