I recently purchased 2 Mitras Simu Sticks 95cm long for my 6 foot long aquarium. I wanted to use them for sunrise/sunset simulations. My current lighting is an ATI Sunpower 8x80w 60" fixture. I had a couple of ideas on how to attach the Mitras simu sticks to the fixture. Originally I tried double sided tape on the sides of the fixture and was disappointed with the results. I then removed the two middle bulbs of my fixture and applied them there, again with double sided tape. I was more pleased but lost two bulbs due to where the mitras sticks were mounted. I took them out and put my two bulbs in again. so back to square 1. Next I was going to rivet them to the sides and that is when I had a brilliant Idea which I will show you. No more tape, rivets or loosing bulbs.
Please disregard the dust. Thanks to the Mitras simu stick I got bit with the LED bug and now I am saving my pennies for the Mitras.
Please disregard the dust. Thanks to the Mitras simu stick I got bit with the LED bug and now I am saving my pennies for the Mitras.