move tank to garage????


New member
I had a water spill large type on my hardwood floors needless to say my wife was/is ****ed....she wants the tank gone or.........moved out of the house to the garage. Will I encounter large problems putting it in my garage??? I have a chiller/heaters for temp control.

Does anyone else have a full set-up in a garage?

What problems should I expect?
Dav your from Charlotte right?

If I am correct there are a few guys in our area that run there tanks in the garage no problem. Obvioulsy the summer time is going ot be a little isssue but if you chiller is up to par you should be ok.
yes.....from charlotte

yes.....from charlotte

I talked with angerhater about his he told me of a few problems.....nothing as bad as hardwood floors being ruined.
I also know a few folks with garage tanks in the Seattle area. Obviously, they have insulated and sheetrocked their garages and park the cars in the driveway because of contanimation issues. Their tanks are thriving.
hmoore has his 600 in hte garage and other than humidity there is few issues (that I am aware off)
I wouldnt put it in the garage unless the garage was fixed up and it was like part of the inside of the house. My garage is for car, bike, jetski, boat not fish tanks. I would tell my wife she would have to live with it in the house.