Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has ever moved a reef tank without breaking it down completely. What I mean by this is by just removing water, fish, and any unattached coral and of course any and all plumbing, pumps, heaters, ect. I had left clams, coral (attached to rock), live rock and sand and left about 5 gals. in the tank and moved it with 4 people including myself. I drove it in the back of a little pickup truck with a camper shell. I have done this once before and the move was only about 10-15 minutes away and I have had succes in the pass. Only lost some anthelia in the move everything else survived. Anyways I am planning on moving again in about 6 months, 10 or 15 minutes away, and was going to do it the same way accept without any water and using printless newspaper soaked in saltwater and pack it inside of the tank lightly over the sand, live rock and corals to keep it warm and moist. That's how they ship live rock and I have heard that corals can live about a day out of water as long as they don't dry up. And besides corals constanly get exposed to the air when tides are out and survive. What I am wondering is if anybody has moved a tank in this way and if anyone has some extra advice to add to help me do it easier? Thanks in advance.