moving a large tank


New member
Hello everyone

The question that I have is something that is worrying me. I will be purchasing a 180g 72x24x24. In order to get it into the room that I want it looks that I will be needing to stand it on end. Is this ok? or will it cause to much stress? there are not any other alternatives such as windows in this room? Thanks in advance
You should be fine to stand this tank on end. Be careful not to bang any of the tanks corners as you are moving it.
it should be okay on it's end...but when you roll it on to it's side, or off it's side...make sure your putting the force on the bottom. Meaning when you have to shift the weight you want to make sure it is sitting on the edge that is attached to the bottom glass to better support the shift of weight.
i just moved a 200- 7x2x2 and had to go on end . we used a dolly rated for 500 lbs to help with the move. and we had to go downstairs at a 45 degree angle. 2 guys (1 was me). and the dolly. the tank is on its stand right now and this weekend it will get water. you will be fine ... if you dont drop it. :)
I agree, I don't think you will have a problem moving a tank with those dimensions standing on end. Place it on a 4 wheel dolly and wheel it to its final destination.

Good Luck
I will be moving my tank from garage to the basement area today. once the move is completed, I will start my thread. the tank is 54x36x28 and I will need to put it on the end to move it. I have also about 5 steps and was wondering if sliding is the option?
but sliding would be done on the bottom side so any scratches wouldnt be on viewing sides. it is a custom tank 3/4" thick glass so the weight is huge.
When moving large tanks, I use suction cups with handles. These Woods Power Grips are real finger savers. You might check with your local aquarium club to see if they have loaners.
