Moving from 36 gal to 90 gallons

I am almost done with my 90 gallon stand and my lights and pumb should arrive on Wednesday. I should be ready to add water to my 90 gallon tank next weekend.

My concern is do I have to allow the tank to cycle before transferring from my current 36 bowfront to the new tank? I plan to use most of the rock I have in the bowfront and add more to the 90 gal.

Here is my current tank:


As you can see, I have a couple of tangs that are big for the tank and they need the space.

Here is the old and new stand:


If you are going to transfer all your live rock, sand fish and corals into the 90, you should be fine. I would add some more live sand and rock that is cured. I would not add any new fish for awhile. I did this going from a 90 to 150 without any cycle. I would also use as much as you can of your old water and add new water.
Your stand looks great.
NOt to hijack your thread but I am doing the same thing.
So all that needs to be done is reuse the old rocks, sand, and water. Then add more cured rock and sand. What about the corals? Will this stress the corals more than usual?
What about the corals? Will this stress the corals more than usual?

The corals and fish should do fine. Make sure that you keep them in the original tank water with plenty of airation during the transition.
what they said ^^^^^^ lol

REALLLY nice tank though btw, cant wait to see pics when the 90 is setup.
Sounds Good. What about the DSB though. Once it is stirred up won't it release excess nitrates, ammonia etc... into the water?
Or should I transfer the old Sand Bed and place the new sand on top?
I moved my DSB by separating it in three containers top, middle and lower layers then placed them in my new sump in the same order. That was about a year ago and never noticed any difference in my water test.
I never thought about that, that seems like a good solution to the sand bed. Now for the rock just aquascape my old rock and the new cured rock correct?

My tank is mainly SPS, since the move is so sudden I jus hope I don't have any losses.
Thanks for all the help and I am sorry for hijacking the thread.

**i wouldnt recommend disturbing the sand bed.

I would use new sand in the new tank. When i transferred to a larger tank, I used new sand and new water in the new tank, keeping the old tank as it is(the old tank was next to the new one).

I had to move my old tank because the new tank was going in the same space, so i drained the tank half way, lifted an end of the stand and placed a dowel under it and was able to shift the tank over( using about three dowels) without knocking rocks and things inside over. i replace the water into the tank and proceeded to set up the new tank.

After filling the new tank and after the cloudiness cleared, I then created a siphon between the tanks with a hose, and using a small pump attached to another hose, it pumped water from the old tank to the new tank. The siphon moved the water from the new tank to the old as it was filled with the pump; left it like this for a few days, the idea is to get the water parameters EXACTLY the same in the two tanks.

Then I moved my livestock and fish and rocks over to the new tank.