Moving large tank - only 3 feet...


Premium Member
I need to move my stocked Marineland DD 300g tank about 3 feet.

Background: Last summer I setup the tank on a DIY non-skinned stand. It was a bit more rushed than I would have liked due to the fact that it was replacing an acrylic tank that developed a crack (my fault). 1+ year later still no skin. :rolleyes: I think my wife just got tired of my ever changing stand designs and suggested making it an in-wall. :dance:

So now in need to move the tank and stand? about 3 feet out from the wall. I really don't want to remove the sand bed so I was thinking of removing the livestock and rock. Draining down to the sand bed and then moving the tank + stand. Clearly I can't just move the tank with just people lifting.

I was considering using some jacks to lift the tank and stand a few inches off the floor, and sliding a pallet jack under. Any better ideas? Or anything I need to watch out for?

Stand construction was based on rocketengineers thread, so it's 2x6 header, 2x4 verticals and base. All glued and screwed.
Can you post a picture. There are several ways you can do this. Will you be moving the tank again. If so you may want to get a couple roll dollies to put it on so you can move it around again. Post a picture and I may be able to help you out.
Is your in-wall stand ready to go? Or are you going to use the old stand as the in-wall portion? Or are you going to build the wall around where the stand is going to go?

Those 300s are quite heavy in their own right, but with wet sand in the bottom yikes...