Moving Mushrooms


New member
I have a piece of live rock that has about 5 mushrooms on it. It is a very awkward piece and some of the mushrooms are on the underside of the rock. I cant find a location for the rock were all the mushrooms are not on the underside. I don't want to squish them. I have is leaning awkwardly and my starfish has knocked it over a few times. Is there some way to remove some of the mushrooms and put them on another part the rock or another rock with out hurting them? Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas! Thanks!
Do your best to expose all of them and not squish them. Maybe prop the rock at an angle on your substrate that will allow the mushroom on the bottom some space to move. This way the mushroom on the underside of the rock will be able to move themselves to the other side of the rock where there is more light (Mushroom are capable of mobility, yes).
Another thing to consider is, depending on the placement of the mushroom polyps on the rock, maybe just split the rock into two pieces or what have you.
My .02
had the same problem with a mushroom rock the other day. I decided to just cut a mushoom off of the most sparse side. which is now the base. i just let the fragged shroom float freely in the tank. Eventually it will settle in a spot and attach itself to a rock.
If you want you can loosly wrap the mushroom and a piece of rock in mesh after a week or two the mushroom should attach to the rock.