I’m moving out of St Louis for work.
Ill be missing SLASH even though Ive not been a regular PN visitor. I’m always there in the background, following the forum, absorbing knowledge and sharing a novices experience with reinventing the wheel.
I’ll be missing you guys.
I’ve had this first marine reef tank for a little more than a year and it never really completely settled in, esp with keeping sps. Lots of mistake ( DSB & sand storms for one!!) which I won’t be repeating in my second setup.
I have to sell the livestocks, first the corals and then fishes and snails.
And I am selling my 11 year old huge 4bedroom, 4500 Sqfeet home in a desirable west county, very safe, truly great school district, if any one is interested, with many updates.
Disclaimer: I have only had 3 things ever taken from the CDP:
Long ago Torch from Smoothdog, it died same week. An RBTA about 3 months ago… disappeared too and a Garf from Chris Abbott, which was doing ok until a week ago, slowly growing, but its turning white at the bases!
If someone EXPERIENCED wants to take it from me to try to save it, please take it for free…
Also have 2 green slimmer frag and a millipora frag which seem like it was growing, also has polyp extension…but base is beginning to get white and I don’t know why, please someone EXPERIENCED take it from me free and save it if u can.
Above 4 sps frag for free, if someone can save it.
So here goes the livestock list and prices:
OH my tank is Aiptasia/AEFW/red bug/ ich FREE, has algae though
1. Wavy gorgonian 8” with 8 branches $40
2. Pulsing Xenia colony about 13 ‘tree trunk’ with 100s of polyps $40
3. Pulsing Xenia colony #2 about 15 ‘tree’trunks’ with 100s of polys $45
4. Eagle eye colony about 200 polyps on a 5 lb rock $200
5. Eagle eye 30+ polyp on a frag $30
6. Eagle eye 15 polyp on frag $15
7. Pavona fully encrusted on a frag $10
8. Pavona small on a frag $ 5
9. Pavona tiny on a frag: free
10. Green Stylopora encrusting on frag $20
11. Finger leather coral with green polyp on 18-20 fingers about 2 ½ inches $20
12. Kenya tree 6 inches: $40
13. Kenya tree 4 inches: $30
14. Rock flower anemone: <1 inch $5
15. 1 adult Orange ricordia with 2 baby ricordia on a frag $10
16. 1 natural large display plate rock with stem ( abt 8 lbs) with the following corals growing on it: $120
1 adult orange ricordia
Green zoa about 50+ polyps
Angel dust paly about 12 polyps
Multiple green palys spread out about 18-20 polyps
Abt 4-5 settlements of Green star polyp
Eagle eye zoa 5 polyps
17. Green paly 20 big polyp on a textured triangular natural rock( wifes favorite) $20
18. Beautiful orange zoa 18-20 big polyp on a square frag: $30
19. Blue ricordia 3: 1 medium +2 small on a plug $10
20. Zoa with yellow polyp (?name) 16 polyps on a square plug: $20
21. Neon Green nephtea with 8-10 fingers, abt 4 inches long $20
22. Large Whip gorgonian 12-15 inch long 3-4 trunks with about 40+ branches $40
23. Brush gorgonian 4 inches about 12 branches and growing $20
24. Red green blasto 20 heads & growing fast: huge 2” heads to new 1/4inch heads $60
25. Red blasto about 16-18 heads and growing fast $40
26. Scroll coral 3 small frags $5 each
27. Apple green montipora frag $5
28. Red plating montipora frag x2: $5 each
29. Branching red montipora frag $5
30. Green birdnest 2 inch with branches $20 & 2 small ones w branches $5 each
31. Huge palys on a 12inch rock branch ( 2 lbs), abt 23 polyps: $20
32. Pink zoa on frag 10-15 polyp $10
33. Anemone RBTA medium $25
34. Green ricordia $5
3 large turbo snails : $2 each
1 large Astrea snail $2
1 sand sifting conch large: $5
Fishes: Disease free, all quarantined before putting in the tank
I will sell them after the corals are gone, so I may move the rocks and would be ‘easier’ to catch.
1. Yellow tang large about4 inch: $35
2. Blue head wrasse 4 inches: playful guy, follows finger if u run it across the tank $20
3. True Pair of large ocellaris clownfish $ 50 ( for both)
4. 1 large Bangii cardinal: $20
5. 1 handsome male blue devil 2.5 inch ( somehow doesn’t bother anyone) $5
6. 1 large beautiful purple firefish 3 inches ( my daughters favorite!!) $30
7. Graceful large black blenny 5 inch long $20
8. Bicolor ( purple & yellow) pseudochromis 2.5inch $10
9. 3 Emerald chromis 3 inch $5 each
10. Emerald crab $5
11: Strawberry crab $20
13 Shrimp: snapping shrimp if I find him in his labyrinth under the rock, probably last one to get to: $5
Don’t have a underwater camera, so pics are with iphone.
First come first serve, if you don’t pickup in 2 days after you ask for it, it will go to the next person who wants it.
Random order pics:
Ill be missing SLASH even though Ive not been a regular PN visitor. I’m always there in the background, following the forum, absorbing knowledge and sharing a novices experience with reinventing the wheel.
I’ll be missing you guys.
I’ve had this first marine reef tank for a little more than a year and it never really completely settled in, esp with keeping sps. Lots of mistake ( DSB & sand storms for one!!) which I won’t be repeating in my second setup.
I have to sell the livestocks, first the corals and then fishes and snails.
And I am selling my 11 year old huge 4bedroom, 4500 Sqfeet home in a desirable west county, very safe, truly great school district, if any one is interested, with many updates.
Disclaimer: I have only had 3 things ever taken from the CDP:
Long ago Torch from Smoothdog, it died same week. An RBTA about 3 months ago… disappeared too and a Garf from Chris Abbott, which was doing ok until a week ago, slowly growing, but its turning white at the bases!
If someone EXPERIENCED wants to take it from me to try to save it, please take it for free…
Also have 2 green slimmer frag and a millipora frag which seem like it was growing, also has polyp extension…but base is beginning to get white and I don’t know why, please someone EXPERIENCED take it from me free and save it if u can.
Above 4 sps frag for free, if someone can save it.
So here goes the livestock list and prices:
OH my tank is Aiptasia/AEFW/red bug/ ich FREE, has algae though
1. Wavy gorgonian 8” with 8 branches $40
2. Pulsing Xenia colony about 13 ‘tree trunk’ with 100s of polyps $40
3. Pulsing Xenia colony #2 about 15 ‘tree’trunks’ with 100s of polys $45
4. Eagle eye colony about 200 polyps on a 5 lb rock $200
5. Eagle eye 30+ polyp on a frag $30
6. Eagle eye 15 polyp on frag $15
7. Pavona fully encrusted on a frag $10
8. Pavona small on a frag $ 5
9. Pavona tiny on a frag: free
10. Green Stylopora encrusting on frag $20
11. Finger leather coral with green polyp on 18-20 fingers about 2 ½ inches $20
12. Kenya tree 6 inches: $40
13. Kenya tree 4 inches: $30
14. Rock flower anemone: <1 inch $5
15. 1 adult Orange ricordia with 2 baby ricordia on a frag $10
16. 1 natural large display plate rock with stem ( abt 8 lbs) with the following corals growing on it: $120
1 adult orange ricordia
Green zoa about 50+ polyps
Angel dust paly about 12 polyps
Multiple green palys spread out about 18-20 polyps
Abt 4-5 settlements of Green star polyp
Eagle eye zoa 5 polyps
17. Green paly 20 big polyp on a textured triangular natural rock( wifes favorite) $20
18. Beautiful orange zoa 18-20 big polyp on a square frag: $30
19. Blue ricordia 3: 1 medium +2 small on a plug $10
20. Zoa with yellow polyp (?name) 16 polyps on a square plug: $20
21. Neon Green nephtea with 8-10 fingers, abt 4 inches long $20
22. Large Whip gorgonian 12-15 inch long 3-4 trunks with about 40+ branches $40
23. Brush gorgonian 4 inches about 12 branches and growing $20
24. Red green blasto 20 heads & growing fast: huge 2” heads to new 1/4inch heads $60
25. Red blasto about 16-18 heads and growing fast $40
26. Scroll coral 3 small frags $5 each
27. Apple green montipora frag $5
28. Red plating montipora frag x2: $5 each
29. Branching red montipora frag $5
30. Green birdnest 2 inch with branches $20 & 2 small ones w branches $5 each
31. Huge palys on a 12inch rock branch ( 2 lbs), abt 23 polyps: $20
32. Pink zoa on frag 10-15 polyp $10
33. Anemone RBTA medium $25
34. Green ricordia $5
3 large turbo snails : $2 each
1 large Astrea snail $2
1 sand sifting conch large: $5
Fishes: Disease free, all quarantined before putting in the tank
I will sell them after the corals are gone, so I may move the rocks and would be ‘easier’ to catch.
1. Yellow tang large about4 inch: $35
2. Blue head wrasse 4 inches: playful guy, follows finger if u run it across the tank $20
3. True Pair of large ocellaris clownfish $ 50 ( for both)
4. 1 large Bangii cardinal: $20
5. 1 handsome male blue devil 2.5 inch ( somehow doesn’t bother anyone) $5
6. 1 large beautiful purple firefish 3 inches ( my daughters favorite!!) $30
7. Graceful large black blenny 5 inch long $20
8. Bicolor ( purple & yellow) pseudochromis 2.5inch $10
9. 3 Emerald chromis 3 inch $5 each
10. Emerald crab $5
11: Strawberry crab $20
13 Shrimp: snapping shrimp if I find him in his labyrinth under the rock, probably last one to get to: $5
Don’t have a underwater camera, so pics are with iphone.
First come first serve, if you don’t pickup in 2 days after you ask for it, it will go to the next person who wants it.
Random order pics:
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