Moving soon so maybe some changes


Water dist. Tech
I am moving soon like the title says. I am thinking about going bare bottom while everything is out of the tank. Should I put some of the sand that I take out in the sump where I have the cheato?

I also have a t5 retro kit coming to add to my 26 hydra.

My corals or growing but the colors on them are really dull. I try and feed more and I supplement aquavitro fuel but my nitrates and phosphates are always very low or undetectable. I don't run my skimmer anymore. My coral have been doing better since I turned it off. My tank parameters are...

Temp 78
Ca 500 letting this fall back down slow
Kh 10.2 wanting this to come down to 9 so letting that fall too
Mag 1400

I feed frozen food to fish once a day, brine and mysis shrimp and rotifers. And use fuel 2-3 times a week, and use oyster feast at lights sunset 2-3 times a week.

I also have a problem with algae growing in the shaded areas of the tank and can't get rid of it.

I'm not down to just one clown and a sixline wrasse and a cleaner shrimp. My other clown just died yesterday and have no idea why.

So my other question now is what else am I doing wrong? I'm not too concerned about my fish. I more want I vibrant colorful tank. I obviously haven't been too successful with acros of course.

Any tips or advise would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you


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Bump? Nothing?

More info I forgot

Total water volume 45 gallons
Sg 1.026
5 gallon water change every 2-3 weeks
I use brightwell reef salt
I only use ro/di water I filter with 0 tds
Dose esv 2-part via doser throughout the day
Dose mag by hand. Test every week and adjust if needed
2 eco drift powerheads at 20% pulsing. Both on back pointed at opposite corner.

Let me know if there's more info needed

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What does your lighting program looks like? Your light seems a little high so I would think your maximum intensity would need to be near 100%. I would like to see your phosphates below 0.03, consider running a GFO reactor. Turning off your skimmer is rarely a good long term strategy assuming it isn't producing a lot of stray voltage. Not only will the skimmer reduce nutrients, it oxygenates the water and usually will increase your pH. I've found that weekly water changes are very helpful in smaller tanks, something like 4-5 gallons a week would be best for your tank.
Awesome thank you for the reply. I will put the skimmer back in and see if that helps. How effective would GFO be in a media back where the water flows through in the sump. That's where I have a bag of carbon also. I'll get a picture of my light schedule once I get home but I just changed it to the AB+ setting. I will be lowering the light this week once my t5 retro kit gets here so hopefully that helps too.

Is there anything else I should supplement the tank with? Or other foods for coral?

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Here's that light schedule. It's only been set to this for a couple days now and is on acclimation mode.

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Question with going bare bottom when I move... should I put the sand that was in the display in the fuge part of the sump? Or should I put something else down in the sump? Or nothing at all?

Also, how does the light schedule look?

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