moving tank to new setup


New member
so I'm moving my 9 year old setup from a 30 gallon standard that I was using a canister filter and hob skimmer to a 54 gallon corner setup with overflow and sump. I'm going with a filter sock to start and new sand for the majority but my question is around the break in period. If I put a few cups of the old sand and some of my live rock in the sump and tank, how long of a cycle do you think I will have? I have a month to get this moved but I want to make sure that we're good. I could put an extra power head in my old tank and move the canister filter over as well for awhile but just want some thoughts/tips/tricks. My 8 year old clowns and sebae nem will thank you!
You can put in new dry/rinsed sand and fill it like 75% of the way up (because the rock,etc...will displace more water when you put it in)...with new saltwater then just transfer all your rock and creatures into the new tank all in the same day and wont have a cycle at all...
Thats all you need to do...