Moving to vegas, help answer some questions?


New member
So I just returned from vegas after searching for a house for a week. Got one! But Im really concerned about a few fishy things...

Hopefully you can clear them up!! :)

1. So Ive never had 2 air conditioners and a pool... the fuse box has a 200 amp main, do you guys have any problem running MH's with all the extra juice from the a/c?

Do you have to do anything special? Im looking at maybe 1000 watts... Plus all the pumps n stuff.

(where do you put your sump??!)

2. Whats with the water? Must I use R/O? I was told to not even drink the vegas water.

(ALSO... the house I have has no softener, but its plumbed for one if I wanted / needed one.... do I? will Reverse osmosis fix it? )

3. HEAT!! OMG I had a really hard time with it. how do u keep a tank in the dessert? Will my tanks be ok?

Thanks for any help!!

well as for number 2..i would just ues a r/o ...water in vegas is ok never had a prob with it to me.. and as for number 3..u can get a chiller to be on the safe side..or u can run a small fan across the top of the tank it will keep the temp down some ...i will be moveing bk home to vegas

ps..u can put the sump under the tank or on the side on the tank its up to u...but im sure some1 well help u more
good luck maggie
1) I'm not an electrical expert, but I would think of you're running 1,000 watts of lights plus pumps, you may want to run a separate circuit for your tank(s).

2) Personally, I hated the taste/hardness of the water when I lived in a condo. When we bought our house, it had a softener and I am so happy we have it. If you have a soft water loop, I would put in a softener. From everything I have read, if you also install an RO/DI system for your tank, the water softener will improve the efficiency and life of your RO membrane. I think it is well worth the small investment.

3) Yea, the heat SUCKS!. I have just a 56 gallon tank and decided to go overkill and bought a 1/3 HP chiller. My problem is that my tank is in the garage, with a small room built around it. If you will have your tanks in the house and you keep your A/C on, then it isn't as much of an issue. The real concern is what would happen if your power went out and the A/C weren't working, but then a chiller or fans wouldn't do you any good, and you would have bigger problems.

Short Version: run another circuit, install a water softener and RO/DI, buy a chiller for backup

In the end, these things will just make it that much easier to sleep at night.
