MP 40w ES parts problem


New member
So with only just over a month of in water service I had a failure on the wet side of my MP40w ES. The frame broke where the white bushing w/tabs goes (see pic) I can't find the dealer that I bought it off of for any warranty, so I'm guessing out of business. So I ended up ordering and paying for parts off another dealer. Upon trying to put it back together I coming across a few things that are different from the way mine was assembled and also can't find pic's online that look the same as my propeller. The propeller on mine has a stepped end that looks like a washer may go there and the black washer/bushing on mine was assembled with it being on the magnet side instead of being on the propeller side as shown on your wet side assembly video. So I'm wondering what's going on. Also when attempting to program the unit, it will hardly ever go into the programming of operational modes/options that can choosen from and just revert to green w/no adjustable speeds. (only have one unit) This had never been taken apart prior to repair attempt.

The broken frame -


The propeller (stepped end )


How it fit's if assembled per instructions


The cover -


It fit's perfectly into the white bushing -


correct order of assembly ? Not the way mine was assembled.


I would recommend contacting us directly to discuss your warranty status. When calling, please have the serial number from your MP40wES ready. 1-800-785-0338 Ext. 2