Mp10w driver flashing red/green


New member
My mp10w suddenly stopped working today with the driver flashing red/green, and none of the buttons or speed control operating. I cleaned the wetside, and unplugged and replugged the driver with no change. I can't even turn the driver off. I did however plug the driver into another mp10 power supply and it worked perfectly. What happened here? Did a power surge blow out the power supply? Does this happen often? Do I need a new power supply after three years?
And now something even more bizarre. On a lark I plugged the supposedly damaged power supply into a different mp10 and it worked perfectly. I plugged it back into the original mp 10 and flashing red/green. I then plugged the second power supply into the first mp10 and it worked fine. Have you ever seen this before? Assuming that it won't blow up my house or leave it susceptible to lighting strikes, I may just switch power supplies. Any thoughts on this?
Funnily enough I've experienced exactly the same in the past 24hrs, I thought I may of had a power surge as another PSU (for a light) failed at the same time. I was getting ready to swap the dry side & controller out for a spare but tried a different PSU instead & it worked, plugged the old one in and it flashed green + red. On the off chance I tried the supposedly dud PSU on the spare dry side and it works all ok so I'm stumped.

That's so weird. It will be interesting to see if ecotech has any insights. Meanwhile the two pumps are chugging along with the others power supply
Sounds like you either have a bad dry side or the actual power module went bad.

You may also be getting a pump disconnect error which is the motor thinking it's become disconnected. To get around this, follow these steps:
The VorTech pump can automatically shut itself down in the event that a motor and wetside decouple from one-another. To set up this mode, you must calibrate your motor using the following
sequence of operations:
Go into Feed Mode by holding the Mode button for three seconds. Feed Mode is indicated by a
blinking white light.
Hold the motor in your hand, separate from the wet side. The motor will still be operating so hold it
carefully in a place far away from any magnetic material.
Hold Mode and Set. This LED knob will now change color from blinking white to blinking white and
yellow. This indicates that you have activated the calibration sequence.
Allow the calibration sequence to run, which can take about a minute. When the calibration sequence is completed. The driver will re-start.
Re-attach the pump to your aquarium. Pump disconnect error protection has been programmed.
In the event that your motor and wetside become de-coupled, the driver will blink red to notify you
of this occurrence. However, in some cases a false-error can occur. This can happen because
your pump needs to be cleaned or requires other maintenance. If it happens frequently, we recommend that you UNDO the pump disconnect error protection. The pump will no longer turn off in the
event of a separated wet and dry side, however you will also no longer get a false-error. To perform this cancellation of the calibration process, follow this sequence of operations:
Go into Feed Mode by holding the Mode button for three seconds. Feed Mode is indicated by a
blinking white light.
Hold the motor in your hand, separate from the wet side. The motor will still be operating so hold it
carefully in a place far away from any magnetic material.
Hold Mode and Set. This LED knob will now change color from blinking white to blinking white and
yellow. This indicates that you have activated the calibration sequence.
Cycle power to the pump by unplugging it and re-plugging it in. The calibration has successfully
been cleared out and you will no longer get a false-error.

If that doesn't work, try doing a full memory clear / reset:
In order to clear out a saved wave you must perform a full memory clear on the master driver. Different from the normal memory clear, a full driver memory clear will any and all configured settings
(i.e. feed mode time, battery backup speed, etc) and restore them to the original default settings.
In order to do this, follow the steps below.
HOLD Mode + Set
*After you hold Mode and Set
your control dial will blink red/
*After holding Mode your control
dial will blink red/purple.
HOLD Mode & Option
*After holding Mode and Option
the driver will reset and the pump
will restart.

Are you getting any error codes?
Error Codes
Flashing Red LED
• Issue: Pump disconnect error
• Resoltuion: See section 6.0: Pump Disconnect Error Protection
Flashing Red/Orange LED
• Issue: A component in the motor has gone bad
• Resolution: If you are under warranty, contact EcoTech Marine for a replacement motor. If you are outside warranty, visit the parts store at to purchase a new motor.
Flashing Red/Yellow LED
• Issue: The pump has over heated
• Resolution: Clean the wetside and check that there are no obstructions blocking the rotation of the wetside or dryside. If the problem persists, contact
EcoTech Marine to speak with a service represenative.
Flashing Red/Green LED
• Issue: Stall error
• Resolution: Clean the wetside and check that there are no obstructions blocking the rotation of the wetside or dryside. If the problem persists, contact
EcoTech Marine to speak with a service represenative.
Flashing Red/White LED
• Issue: Wireless upgrade error
• Resolution: Re-attempt the upgrade process until it completes successfully.
Alternatively, you can use a normally functioning pump to re-flash the pump
with the red/white error code. If none of this works, contact EcoTech Marine to
speak with a service represenative.
Solid Red LED
• Issue: Upgrade Error
• Resolution: Re-attempt the upgrade process until it completes successfully.
Alternatively, you can use a normally functioning pump to re-flash the pump
with the red/white error code. If none of this works, contact EcoTech Marine to
speak with a service represenative.
Very fast flashing red, no LED at all when powered up, or multiple random colors
• Issue: All of the earlier codes represent actual error codes programmed into
the driver. The error above however, reflects that some damage to the pump
has occurred preventing it from functioning properly
• Resolution: contact EcoTech Marine to speak with a service represenative.
I actually went into the full manual and tried all of the above with all the buttons being completely inoperative. The only thing that worked was switching power supply. The inoperative unit then worked perfectly. The original power supply was then connected to the other unit that donated the power supply and that system worked perfectly. So that's where I am now. Two mp10's with each other's power supplie and working well.
I had a similar issue occur with my MP40w this week. My mp40w suddenly stopped working on Monday with the driver flashing red/green, and none of the buttons or speed control operating. I cleaned the wetside, and unplugged and replugged the driver with no change. I can't even turn the driver's power off without unplugging the power supply. I did however plug the driver into another mp40w power supply and it worked perfectly. What happened here? Did a power surge blow out the power supply? Will Vortech warranty this issue and send me a new power supply?