mrc skimmer

uhg. poor taste bro, poor taste.

he was fired, the company was bought by someone else, MRC disassociated itself with the guy, still a great company with great products and great support.

please don't comment further on the initial "crude" question.
i have an 8 yr old daughter
it may have not been posted in the most delicate of terms but it seemed relevant to me i wouldnt want to support that sort of depraved individual
sorry if you find it offensive but it is true this individual was under investigation for innapropriate acts with a minor
that my friend is crude
I hear ya, but there have been debates, and discussions, and talks ad nausium, so I don't want to start it again here, and the mods will eventually find it if a lot of people post, so it'll be closed and you may get in trouble, even though your question is perfectly valid however crude it may be.

The entire community was shocked and appalled at what was discovered, and as a result he was disassociated with the company, take it as you will. Point is that if you buy MRC products, you are not buying from him.
I forget the name of the group that bought out MRC but they are doing a really good job with the company and from what I hear making some solid products....the person you are referring to is completely removed from anything having to do with MRC......

and I have to agree, had he still been involved I would have never consider purchasing frm them....however the acquiring company bought MRC from the family of the guy in order to help the family out as they had no idea how to run the business. Apprently the company that bought MRC knew the family as well.....