Mtuned's 205 Gallon System. The Cheap Build :)


New member
Well This is my first post. Not a stranger to forums by any means. But i took the time to browse this one for weeks and learn alot, before attempting my tank! Back In February I took the plunge into Saltwater!

Its been a interesting Journey. So this will be my Salt Journal. Questions. Pictures. My findings. I Thank everyone for taking the time to look at my thread!

First Off My Setup:

Tank: An OLD 3/4 Thick Glass 150 Gallon 6ft long tank.

Sump: 75 Gallong Tripple Section Sump. Currently Holding 55 Gallons

Flow: 2 Hydor Koralia 1300GPH 1 800GPH. 3600 Gallon Return Home depot pond pump. Currently running at about 2000GPH

Piping: Return side2" Off the Return Pump. To flow valve. Runs to a 2" to 2 1.25 Inch T. This goes all the way to my .75 Sch 10 Bulkheads(I use all Scd 10 to get more flow) This runs through my overflow box. T's off to a locline then each side to a spray bar. Drain Side Start off with (2) 1.5 Inch durso's that hit 1.25 Bulk heads That go all the way to the sump. ( Again all scd 10 To max flow)

Heating: (2) 250 Watt Submersible heaters

Lighting: Currently Due to cost reasons (1) Ecotec Radion In center covering my frag section.

Filters:(Anything used to condition water) Reef octopus NW200 Skimmer rated for 300 Gallons.( Probably just enough for my 200) Dual Filter Socks. Activated Carbon Reactor. Bio Balls. Oceans Blend Part A Part B. Coral Pro Salt. RO/DI unit.

Live Rock: 100-120 Lbs

Substate: 150 Lbs of finest Home depot Silca sand. ( rinsed in tap water for 4 hours. Rinsed in ro/di water for 10)

Live Stock: (2) Yellow Tangs. (1) Blue Hippo Tang (1) Naso Tang (1) Sail Fin Tang (4) Clown Fish (1) Sand Sifting Goby

Coral: Excuse My newb Side to this. Im not 100% sure on all the names. I purchased about 20 pieces of varies 5-10 dollar frags to test out how to keep them. So (2) Florida Rainbow Ricordias. 1 Currently has 5 heads, 1 is a baby frag. (1) Pink montipora Cap Frag (1) Frogspawn. Various other corals i will update pictures of any maybe members can help me figure out there names :)

So thats my system so far. In my journey to today I have had many ups, downs. I have only lost 2 Fish in my journey and 1 coral.

About 100X Water Spills. And seems i'm always buying something new!

I will update this thread with Pictures today! And i would like to keep this up as i will always have something to look back on!

I will gladly accept all and everyones input! I hope to someday have tanks like everyone here.
After Buying tank My brother in law and I Were not really to happy with how all the seams looked after years of scraping and cleaning had began tearing. We opted to strip it, reseal it. At that time we also removed the Old piece of center glass and installed a new top trim panel that had supports.




1.5 Inch Dursos



Sump Setup Before BIOBALLS


Skimmer, Well Skimming!

These are just pictures i had floating around on my cell phone! I did not originally thing i was going to do a log!
Pictures of Random Coral And fish! Much MUCH better pictures to come!






These are just pictures i had floating around on my cell phone! I did not originally thing i was going to do a log!
Water Parameters that i can test Checked today 8:30 AM Lights at 20% for about 1 Hour

Ph 7.9
Nitrate 0
Phos .03
Calcium 480
Salinity 1.025
Temp 79
The most recent change to the tank was the addition of bioballs. Now i know alot of people do not use these any more. And they are not needed. Here is why i added them. I will see what happeneds.

So I change filter socks every 4-5 Days. From day 1 to day 5 My tank is always doing its best at around the 5th day. Water clearest, and corals out the most.

After installing new socks i notice the same trend always taking a couple days for everything to get right again! Then it hit me. When ever changing my socks i always have all sorts of algea and nutrients and others in my sock, Eating and living off bacteria in the tank. Once removed the tank basically will mini cycle again until new socks are added.

I believe the addition of bioballs will stop this from happening as even changing filter socks out will not interrupt there filtering and bio load :)

I’m sure there is a much better way of describing my issue, and maybe something else is wrong with my tank! Maybe you to have noticed this? We will see where the bio ball project takes me :)
Are u using 200micron socks? If so I would think most of the smaller food which corals eat passes through. I understand the logic but with the bio balls u will also need to clean them or set up something to reduce nitrates.
Are u using 200micron socks? If so I would think most of the smaller food which corals eat passes through. I understand the logic but with the bio balls u will also need to clean them or set up something to reduce nitrates.

I will clean the bio balls. I figure remove and soak 1/2 every 1-2 months. Im using 3m purolator(SP) socks. They are 100 Micron.