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Who uses mud in their fuge's? If not mud, then what? Rock and sand? Pros and cons with mud verses rock?
Hi Keith,
Lacy aka Renee here. We just registered Pat on RC so I am still under her sign in. Is the mud necessary? Is just sand and rock good enough? Does it make that much difference?
I had great success with just sand and Cheato, lots of critters!!!! if i had it to do again, i would not change a thing!

sorry i cant offer any opinion on Mud
I have the Walt Smith Fiji Mud in my refugium. Too early to tell if it is benificial though. I liked the fact that this mud was actually mud in the bucket instead of that dry stuff that eco systems sells. It was a little messy putting it in. I will be putting in chaeto as soon as I figure out my light setup. Will update you with pics on the progress of my corals.
Sorry, no experience with mud, just a deep sand bed (4-6"), rubble rock, chaeto, and tons of pods & shrimp in my fuges.

I've been considering adding an additional DSB in an unlit 5gal bucket just to see if it makes any measurable difference after reading some threads here on it.
i really couldn't tell you if the mud in my sump does anything diffarent that if it was jsut sand. it works for me, so I'm not about to change it. aka don't fix it if it aint broken. when i had a tank at college my fuge had only sand, rock, and cheato. worked good. don't know if its worth adding the mud or not. it's up to you.
Miracle Mud rocks.The polyp extension is awesome on acro extension.I believe due to the time released trace elements.Plus you only need a inch to achieve denitrification where you need 6 inches of sand to denitrify.You can also read countless threads where DSB where responsible for old tank syndrome where all the nutrients release once the sand bed is full.IMO if a DSB does not work in your main tank why would it work in your fuge.The recomendation from Eco System is to remove half the mud every year or so to prevent the mud from filling up with nutrients and to keep trace element replenishment up to par.