Multicontroller 7094 problems? or pump?


New member

I have three Turbelle electronic 7200 conected to a 7094 multicontroller, yesterday one of the pumps was emitting a warning beep intermittently I had a look but all pumps seemed to be functioning and then the noise stopped, last night however I noticed the multicontroller had appeared to stop working there were no lights on the unit and the pumps had stopped, I switched it off, left it a few minutes and switched it back on everything appeared to start working again but then in a few minutes the controller was showing no lights again ie it seemed not to be working, I disconnected the pumps from the controller and two seem to be working but one isn't suggesting that it needs taken apart and cleaned probably calcium build up I've had this before about six months ago with one of the pumps my question is does one pump failing like this cause the multicontriller to stop working? or is there another problem I should be looking for as well?


The multicontroller derives it's power from the pump in the first socket. If this pump has sounded the alarm the situation you describe is possible. How old is your pump? Likely there is some small detail to the assembly you have overlooked. The only other problems I could see as possible is food timer button problem or salt water exposure/corrosion of the socket or cable on the multicontroller or driver. Please tell me more about the pump age and I could help further with which parts are likely the problem.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply much appreciated!

I bought the Multicontroller and the two pumps at the same time about a year and a half ago as I said I have had the alarm sounding before about six months after they were up and running, and after reading the info that came with the pumps steeped them in some white vinegar for a while and they were fine and I hadn't had any problems up until now (at the time I could in fact see the white deposits on the impeller and the inside once this was cleaned they were running with no other problems) but this is the first time the multicontroller has stopped working I don't think it could be saltwater corrosion as the multicontroller is mounted quite far at the back away from the tank but I guess anything's possible! what would be the food timer button problem? is it ok to steep the pumps in neat vinegar or should you always dilute it?

I live in Scotland in the UK I don't know if that makes any difference to the pumps ie are they built differently for the USA and Europe


OK- a pump that age I could see four possible pump problems

A cracked magnetic rotor- inspect carefully for hairline cracks.

Lower bearing with red oring is attached to the bottom of the magnet by calcium

Cooling port in center of magnet is clogged by calcium- you may wish to upgrade to a new drive unit with bigger cooling port or you can clean yours with a pipe cleaner and vinegar mixed 50/50 with warm water.

Top bushing has swollen do to exposure to very high or low pH or just long period of use or factory tolerance problem- a new drive unit will fix this.

Possible multicontroller problem

Sometimes the board warps slightly or the casing gets compressed somehow and the foodtimer button is actually being pushed by the housing itself- this is rare but I have seen it. It is also possible that the cable is bad- maybe it got pulled on and a solder connection snapped. Try a new cable after thoroughly cleaning the pump in vinegar and warm water.
Thanks very much I will check out all your suggestions tonight when I get home and take the pumps apart, are these specific parts in the pump you are refering to illustrated in the booklet that came with them?


Yes, I can also post a jpeg if needed. I might have them labeled different from the manual.
Dear Rodger

Thanks again for your invaluable help yesterday regarding my problems with the 7094 multicontroller and two turbelle electronic powerheads.

After taking the powerheads apart I discovered the lower bearing with the red o ring was completely welded on to the magnet with calcium deposits it took about an hours soak in a vinegar solution before I was able to clean all the parts of calcium so I guess I'm going have to clean the powerheads about every three months instead of every 6 months!

Everything seems to be functioning perfecly again as soon as I cleaned the pumps, and plugged everything in, the controller came back online


Cleaning every three months can be very simple- just run the pump in a bucket of vinegar and warm water and no dissassembly should be required- about 30minutes should do. As time goes on and the pump wears in this need is reduced. Also, a new drive unit could extend service life because in April of last year the cooling port size was doubled allowing more water to pass through and flush deposits. Calcium deposits form in pumps as a result of heat and vacuum degassing CO2 and raising the pH in a micro environment inside the pump. We have substantially reduced internal heat over the past few years by slight modifications to the drive unit.