You can do this but it isn't ideal as if you used a moe besides pulse each tank may have to low or no flow for a period of time.
Well I think I'll have one other smaller powerhead in each tank, plus the returns from the sump, adding some flow to the tank while the streams aren't running.
So what I want to do Roger, is this. Have one 6000 stream in tank 1 turn on, fluctuate from 30% to 100% over the course of say 1 or 2 minutes, then turn off. Then have the second 6000 stream in tank 2 turn on and do the same. Back and forth. That's all. Like I mention above, other pumps will be going continuously in each tank during the 'down' times.
So is this possible? With multicontroller 7094? 7095?
And finally, how long are the cords for between the controllers and the streams in the tank?