Multicontroller 7094 vs 7095


Premium Member
I was wondering what the differences are between the Tunze multicontroller 7095 and the older 7094. Can you explain any differences in function or features?
The 7095 has a built in moonlight, a new program called interval 2 that idles one group of pumps while pulsing the other. It is a much easier to use unit that is more water resistant and provides more feedback on what it is doing. The interval can be tuned down to one second, on the older unit 1 minute was the limit.
Thanks. I am just trying to decide whether it is worth it to buy a used 7094 to control a new 6000 stream. I dont even have the stream yet, but trying to get one this month. I was planning to buy a 7095 with it controller because I might be upgrading with a second stream in the future.

I never even thought about the moonlight (didnt know the 7095 had it) so I probably wouldn't miss it. I probably wouldn't use < 1minute interval right now either.

When you say the 7095 is easier to use, can you explain any more? Is it just easier/different to program the functions?
The 7094 had this screwy system where certain sockets had to be used for certain modes, it also had switches which were weak points for water to enter.
The more i learn about this the more questions i have. I will most likely be using a single 6000 stream on this tank for the next 1.5 - 2 years, until i upgrade to a larger tank. So I'm starting to wonder whether a single controller would be better for now, and upgrade later. But I have a couple of questions.

Can the 7095/7094 multicontroller be used to control 1 6000 stream and 1 other (non-Tunze) powerhead? Say to pulse the stream itself between 30 and 100% and at the same time, to alternate the stream and the other powerhead on and off?

Can the 7095/7094 multicontroller be used to control 2 6000 streams, each individually, as in separate tanks? There is perhaps a possibility that I could get a second stream for a separate tank that I have set up now as well. So was just wondering if it made any sense to control each pump separately with the multicontroller.
Neither controller could control a non Tunze electronic pump. The control is through a 5pin DIN port on the pumps in line computer and no other pump would have this interface.

You can do this but it isn't ideal as if you used a moe besides pulse each tank may have to low or no flow for a period of time.
You can do this but it isn't ideal as if you used a moe besides pulse each tank may have to low or no flow for a period of time.

Well I think I'll have one other smaller powerhead in each tank, plus the returns from the sump, adding some flow to the tank while the streams aren't running.

So what I want to do Roger, is this. Have one 6000 stream in tank 1 turn on, fluctuate from 30% to 100% over the course of say 1 or 2 minutes, then turn off. Then have the second 6000 stream in tank 2 turn on and do the same. Back and forth. That's all. Like I mention above, other pumps will be going continuously in each tank during the 'down' times.

So is this possible? With multicontroller 7094? 7095?

And finally, how long are the cords for between the controllers and the streams in the tank?
Yes that is possible.

The cords from the controller to the driver (in line computer) is only about 4ft, but from the driver to the pump you have 16ft.
Didnt know anything about the cord from the controller to the driver, but I assume that these 2 things can just be positioned together centrally, and then I'll have up to 16 ft on each side to place the streams in the separate tanks?

Sounds good. Except that the used 7094 controller I was looking at sold. Ohh well, at least I'll know for next time.

Do I have this right?